Alex Vizorek leaves France Inter to join RTL – Liberation

The Belgian comedian will now be on the air from Monday to Thursday in the program “RTL Soir” next season. France Inter has already announced a replacement: journalist David Castello-Lopes gets a weekly humor post in the morning.

The end of an era on France Inter, and a great catch for RTL. After the announcement of the stop, in daily version, of the emission It’s us again! led by Charline Vanhoenacker and her band, Alex Vizorek, pillar of the troupe, announces his departure for the private station, the great competitor. The Belgian comedian, present for more than ten years on the antenna of Inter, will now officiate from Monday to Thursday between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the program RTL Evening. “Delighted to arrive at my new club Real RTL, and great recognition for the years spent at FC France Inter”, commented the interested party on Twitter. On the side of France Inter, the management thanks Alex Vizorek for his years spent in the radio: “It was a real chance to hear him on our antenna and allow him to reveal all his talent. We wish him the best on RTL as in all of his projects.”

“The opportunity to move on”

“It’s not a surprise, he spoke openly about this departure, he made jokes about it, says one within the public station, leader of the hearings currently. He had been considering leaving the troupe for two years, without necessarily taking the plunge. The format change of It’s us again! was the opportunity to move on.” Charline Vanhoenacker is currently working on the new format of her troupe show, a weekly show which will now last two hours and will take place in public, on Sunday evenings from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Beyond It’s us again! Alex Vizorek was also a columnist in the morning of France Inter, Tuesday at 8:55 a.m.

The public station has already announced its replacement for this weekly humor post: it will be journalist David Castello-Lopes, known for his series of pedagogical decryptions Since whenor his viral songs (I own money). Last season, he was on Stéphane Bern’s show on Europe 1, while hosting the podcast Small Talk for Konbini. “We had been hoping for a long time to hear David Castello-Lopes on France Inter, explains the management of the public station. He is both a journalist and a humorist, he practices ad absurdum perfectly and is passionate about all the questions that we often do not ask ourselves, and the answers that we expect even less. His creativity, his inventiveness and his breath will unfold wonderfully in the new morning next season.

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