Aldi pays tribute to everyone who has to work on Christmas Eve with a Christmas spot

Emotional advertising
The Aldi Christmas spot pays tribute to everyone who has to work on Christmas Eve

The tram driver has to disappoint his son at Christmas – work comes first

© Aldi

For employees in many industries, Christmas Eve is just a normal working day. Discounter Aldi bows to them with its Christmas spot – and calls for social cohesion.

Christmas is a celebration of calm, comfort and contemplation – many take that for granted. But it is not. Year after year, Christmas is a completely normal working day for many employees: in hospitals, at the police and fire brigade, in restaurants or on public transport. The shop has to run there on Christmas Eve too. Unfortunately, the family often only comes second.

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With its new Christmas commercial, Aldi pays tribute to all those who also work on Christmas Eve and Christmas days and have to make sacrifices so that the world does not collapse during the festivities. The protagonists of the advertising film “Holy Night Shift” are a tram driver and his son. The single father promises his son that this time he will take over the early shift at Christmas and be able to spend Christmas Eve with him.

Aldi wants to promote solidarity with the Christmas spot

The relationship between the two of them is strained, the teenage boy is in trouble at school, there is an argument – and then Christmas together is canceled this year because the father has to stand in for a colleague. Of course, to the sounds of the song “You Say” by US singer Lauren Daigle, there is reconciliation and a happy ending.

With the spot, Aldi wants to pay tribute to those who work in systemically relevant professions with often unfavorable working hours. Especially in the pandemic, these workers suffer from a special burden. “This year we are particularly thinking of all those who push their limits every day,” Aldi said. But according to Christian Göbel, Group Director Customer Interaction at Aldi Süd, the film also has a meaning that goes beyond that: “With this spot we want to show how important it is to move towards one another despite all the challenges of everyday life and to keep the differences behind you to leave – even if it is not always easy. Christmas is exactly the right time for this. “

Emotional advertising: The Aldi Christmas spot pays tribute to everyone who has to work on Christmas Eve

The Penny commercial moved many

Demanding and promoting social cohesion, putting those in the foreground who achieve a lot in the pandemic or who suffer particularly from it – that seems to be the predominant motive in the annual emotional Christmas spots of the big discounters this year. The clip “Der Wunsch” (The Desire) by Penny has already attracted a lot of reactions: It is about the extent to which young people in particular have had to back off in recent years. Other chains like Edeka have not yet released their Christmas spots for this year.

Source: Aldi on Youtube


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