Aldi is changing its baked goods concept: does this have consequences for customers?

Is it getting more expensive now?
Aldi is changing its bakery concept: regional bakeries supply discounters

The baked goods shelf at Aldi Nord in Gladbeck

© Rolf Vennenbernd / Picture Alliance

Aldi has a new bakery concept that is currently being tried out in some cities. The idea is to have the discounter increasingly supplied with regional products from now on. What does this mean for customers?

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Who doesn’t love it? Fresh rolls for breakfast and dark bread for dinner. Discounters like Aldi also offer a large selection of delicious baked goods. But a change in the range of baked goods will soon have a strong impact on the price for Aldi customers: the arrival of regional bakers at Aldi Nord.

Aldi Nord: Regional bakers at the discounter

After the first tests in 2021, the Ruhr area is now resolutely following the Aldi sister in the south. At Aldi Süd, various products from regional bakers have been on sale for a long time. According to the “Lebensmittel-Zeitung”, Aldi Nord now also wants to include the products from the bakery in its range.

According to the report, Aldi Nord has found a taste for working with regional bakeries and is already trying out the new concept. To start with, Aldi Nord in Dortmund offered a range of eleven items from the local bakery “Grobe” as a test. In Leipzig, the discounter offered products from the “Lukas” bakery.

Are baked goods getting more expensive now?

What ran as a test last year is now an integral part of Aldi: Since April, several bakeries have been trying to work with the discounter, some local businesses are said to already have contracts, and other bakeries could be added in the near future.

A development that also has consequences for Aldi customers: If you want to buy fresh rolls and bread from Aldi Nord, you will have to put more money on the table for some products in the future. For example, a pumpkin seed roll would soon cost 1.59 euros and a 750 gram mixed wheat bread would cost 4.95 euros. Not every Aldi customer can then afford the spelled American for 1.99 euros. Consumers who have become accustomed to the usual discounter prices will probably feel the price increase most clearly. / mjä / ldh

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