Albert Maier: He comments on “Bares for Rares” return

Albert Maier
He comments on “Bares for Rares” return

Albert Maier has been in front of the camera for “Bares for Rares” since the beginning of the program.

© imago/STAR MEDIA

Will Albert Maier return to “Bares for Rares” again? The outgoing TV star has now answered exactly this question.

At the beginning of July, the art and antiques expert Albert Maier (73) was seen for the last time on “Bares for Rares”. His colleague Horst Lichter (61) was even very emotional when he said goodbye, tears came to his eyes. Now the 73-year-old confirms that this “chapter” is actually over for him. “I drew a clean line, I wasn’t shamed or shamed,” he tells the online magazine “Der Westen”.

The former darling of the audience emphasizes that he will be there “if they need me at some point […]. But not in the same form as it was.”

“It really turned into work there”

Maier was part of “Bares für Rares” from the start, for more than ten years he was in front of the camera for the ZDF format. With the increasing popularity of the show, what was once fun suddenly became “work” for him. The daily broadcasts and the number of spin-offs and special formats have become too much of a burden for him. “I noticed that my strength was waning. I didn’t want that. It was always my aim to bring top performances for ‘Bares for Rares’,” remembers Maier.

Nevertheless, the TV star also looks at his farewell with a crying eye. “Over the years I’ve met very nice people who I obviously miss,” he admits. He is now back in his antiques shop in Ellwangen and gives his customers an expertise face to face instead of on television.


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