Albert II of Belgium: Former King of Belgium in hospital

Albert II of Belgium
Former King of Belgium in hospital

Albert II of Belgium on an appointment last year.

© imago images/Belga

Former Belgian King Albert II has been hospitalized. He is in stable condition.

Albert II (89), the former King of Belgium, was hospitalized. He had shown signs of dehydration, the palace confirmed on Tuesday. This is reported, among other things, by the two newspapers “De Tijd” and “The Standard” consistent.

Former King Albert II is still under investigation

According to a spokesman, Albert II was taken to a clinic as a precaution after feeling unwell. The 89-year-old is conscious, in stable condition and being examined. It’s unclear how he’s doing right now.

It is also currently not known how long the father of King Philippe (63), who abdicated in 2013, will have to stay in the hospital. According to the reports, this depends on the outcome of the investigations.

Meanwhile, Philippe canceled a visit to the University of Ghent planned for Tuesday at short notice in order to be able to visit his father. The appointment at which Philippe should therefore talk to students about environmental issues, among other things, should be made up for at a later date.


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