Alameda Research co-CEO Sam Trabucco resigns after working for 2019.

Alameda Research co-CEO Sam Trabucco announced his resignation on Twitter on Wednesday, with Trabucco saying co-CEO Caroline Ellison will become CEO and he will continue to serve as an advisor to Alameda Research, a quantitative trading firm that Founded by Sam Bankman-Fried Founder of crypto exchange FTX in 2017

In a thread titled “On Happiness,” Trabucco from Hong KongsaidAppointing him as co-CEO of Alameda Research last year. His resignation had the same goal, with both Trabucco and Ellison serving as heads of the company. Bankman-Fried

Trabucco graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2015, one year behind Bankman-Fried, and worked as a trader for Susquehanna International Group before coming to Alameda Research.

Trabucco, who was named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list during his tenure as Alameda Research’s co-leader, wrote that he had dropped his role at the company in recent months.

Trabucco stated he has no plans after leaving on vacation. but said he had bought a boat

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