Alain Prost, non-executive director, leaves the Alpine team which continues its overhaul

The time of great upheavals at Alpine. Alain Prost’s contract has not been renewed by the Formula 1 team for the next season, despite having held the position of non-executive director since July 2019. He had joined Renault, which became Alpine, in 2015 as an ambassador and consultant.

This is the second departure in less than a week since Marcin Budkowski, executive director, has also left the French team. The name of Otmar Szafnauer, who left Aston Martin at the beginning of January, returns with insistence to the side of Alpine, and the American could arrive with BWT, sponsor of Force India and Racing Point, the two other teams in which he also has officiated. The first Grand Prix of the 2022 season is scheduled for Bahrain on March 20.

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