Alain Bauer presents his (already criticized) report on violence in stadiums

Tasked with presenting a report by the LFP last June after a series of excesses in French stadiums, Alain Bauer, professor at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers and head of the Security, Defence, Intelligence, Criminology, Cyber ​​Threats and Crises Department, presented his first tracks of proposals to the Board of Directors of the Professional Football League (LFP) on Friday morning.

“Re-establishing a dialogue is an essential element. However, many supporters say that we do not listen to them, ”he said in an interview with AFP following his presentation. “We must consider that the supporters are partners, and not adversaries. The idea is not to be more punitive, the general idea is to avoid having to become one. »

A commendable observation, certainly, but surprising since it did not see fit to discuss with the ANS (national association of supporters), which, according to comments reported by The Team, “was not possible to meet”. The story is different on the side of the lawyer Pierre Barthélemy, member of this body. “This is false, he wrote on Twitter. It is a choice of the report’s editors who never contacted the ANS directly. »

End of collective sanctions and strengthening of dialogue

Anyway, the academic suggests a decentralized logic of management of sporting events, bringing together around a table the club, its supporters, the State, the municipality, to move towards a “contractualization” between stakeholders . “We must start talking to them again, dialogue, find partnerships, ways, and the judicial system must be within the contracts,” he argues.

“We are in a partnership and contractual framework. Everyone makes commitments. And we must get out of the collective sanction [comme les huis clos]. We must keep it as the ultimate argument, but a deterrent that we use all the time is no longer a deterrent,” he notes.

Proposals already criticized by specialists

Among his concrete proposals on ticketing, we find the possibility of a “Turkish” device, namely a fan card to access the stadiums, or a mechanism for certifying the holder of a ticket already used during a concert. of Ed Sheeran at the Stade de France.

Alain Bauer’s proposals did not take long to find detractors in their path, in particular Ronan Evain, specialist in supporter movements and Director of Football Supporters Europe. “A marvel of innovation, the idea of ​​a “fan card” goes back to… Margaret Tatcher (unsuccessfully). It has since reappeared regularly in authoritarian countries and/or countries lacking imagination, before inevitably disappearing due to its uselessness and exorbitant cost,” he lambasted on Twitter.

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