AL Kennedy on the planned independence referendum in Scotland – Culture

Guest post by AL Kennedy

The date has now been set: On October 19, 2023, Scots – and all “legally eligible foreign nationals” – will answer the question: “Should Scotland become an independent country?” There was an appointment like this before. On September 18, 2014, Alex Salmond, then leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and now a Russia Today (RT) television asset, led the SNP to a defeat in the independence referendum. As a Scot living in London and therefore considered reasonably civilized, I was invited onto TV in 2014 to comment live on the voting results as they rolled in. Although I wasn’t eligible to vote, I was often called during the election campaign by people wanting to fill TV panels. It then regularly turned out that I didn’t fit in there because my views were “too differentiated”.

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