Airport participation: Fraport remains in St. Petersburg

Status: 4/4/2022 3:10 p.m

The airport operator Fraport does not want to give up its stake in the Russian airport in St. Petersburg for the time being. This is mainly for financial reasons.

The airport operator Fraport will not sell its stake in St. Petersburg Airport for the time being. CEO Stefan Schulte said that this would not be possible before 2025: “The concession is linked to a sales ban until 2025,” said Schulte: “It is clearly forbidden to sell. After that, you can sell under certain conditions.”

Should the Frankfurt airport operator give up its stake in Russia, the state would get an asset in the low three-digit million euro range, said Schulte. Such a gift to the Russian aggressor and causer of the war is not a sensible help for Ukraine.

20 percent stake in Russian operator

The German airport operator holds 20 percent of the Russian airport operator NCG. It is not foreseeable how the financial participation will continue. The CEO was responding to allegations that military flights would take off from the Russian civil airport. At the beginning of March, Fraport declared that it would suspend all activities in Russia because of the war against Ukraine.

Last week, Fraport gave up a stake in the Chinese market: the minority stake in Xi’an Airport will be sold to Chang’an Huitong for 1.1 billion yuan (160 million euros), the group said. The Frankfurt held 24.5 percent of the shares in the airport operator in Xi’an.

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