Airbus will hire 1,500 people in France before the summer

The improvement is confirmed for Airbus. The aircraft manufacturer, which had already announced its intention to hire 6,000 people in 2022, specifies this Thursday that 1,500 of these recruitments will be made in France by the end of June. Good news especially for Toulouse which will benefit from 800 job creations.

“To these 1,500 recruitments in France will also be added 1,500 temporary workers and 1,500 trainees and work-study students”, detailed this Thursday Mikaël Butterbach, the Airbus HRD for France, in the columns of The Midi Dispatch. The Franco-German manufacturer will also create 1,500 jobs across the Rhine during the year, 750 in the United Kingdom, 750 in Spain and 1,500 in the rest of the world.

In all branches

These hires concern all of the group’s activities, from commercial aviation to helicopters and defense activities. And their number could be revised upwards at the end of the first half.

This increase in the workforce comes after the announcement of exceptional profits for Airbus, at 4.2 billion euros, in 2021. But also after a year 2020 marked by a paralysis of air traffic caused by the health crisis and during which the aircraft manufacturer had cut 15,000 jobs worldwide.

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