Air transport: stowaway survives flight lasting several hours

air traffic
Stowaway survives multi-hour flight

The stowaway hid in the front landing gear area of ​​the cargo plane. Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa/Symbolbild

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Again and again people try to travel in the undercarriage of an airplane as stowaways. The attempts usually end fatally. This time a man was very lucky.

A stowaway survived a flight lasting several hours in the front landing gear area of ​​a cargo plane.

Dutch authorities discovered the man at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol on Sunday, according to the Dutch police on Twitter. The condition of the man is according to the circumstances good. He was taken to a hospital. The plane started in South Africa. No information was initially given about the nationality and the exact age of the man.

According to Dutch media reports, the Cargolux plane landed in Kenya. It was initially unclear where the man got into the undercarriage. He was hypothermic when he was found.

Again and again people try to travel in the undercarriage of an airplane as stowaways. The attempts usually end fatally. Some fall to the ground, others die of hypothermia or lack of oxygen.


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