Air traffic: number of passengers reaches two thirds of the pre-crisis level

air traffic
Passenger numbers reach two-thirds of pre-crisis levels

In April, the airports in Germany recorded 13.6 million passengers. Photo: Boris Roessler/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

More passengers are departing from German airports again – albeit still fewer than before the corona pandemic. In one area in particular, demand remains low.

At German airports, the number of passengers in April reached around two-thirds of the pre-corona level of 2019.

13.6 million guests meant an increase of almost 500 percent compared to April 2021, as the airport association ADV reported on Friday in Berlin. That was 64.2 percent of the volume in April 2019. The aircraft were still less occupied, because the number of commercial flights was just over 140,400, just a quarter below the comparative value from 2019.

According to the evaluation, domestic traffic in particular is weakening at only 41.9 percent of the pre-crisis level. For short distances, guests can more easily switch to other means of transport. In addition, some connections have been discontinued. With the travel wave at Easter, European traffic returned the strongest with around 71.3 percent of passengers compared to April 2019. On long-haul routes, around half of the passengers (49.6 percent) have been on board again so far.


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