Air-conditioned businesses will have to leave their doors closed by municipal decree

Energy-intensive, air conditioning is not ecological. Especially when freshness is generated at a loss. This Wednesday, Grégory Doucet, the EELV mayor of Lyon, had a municipal decree signed to regulate the use of air conditioning by businesses.

Some left their doors open to attract customers, wasting a lot of energy: they are now forced to close their doors.

An intolerable waste in the current context

This decision was made “to encourage good practices and avoid wasting energy. A decision of common sense for the good of the planet, and therefore for the good of all, ”said Grégory Doucet in a press release. “In a context where temperatures are rising and energy prices are rising, we are calling for mobilization for more sobriety,” he adds.

Lyon is thus following suit in Bourg-en-Bresse (Ain), where the PS mayor Jean-François Debat, had issued, on Friday July 15, an order sanctioning the signs which would leave their doors open while the air conditioning system – or winter heating – is on. This decree was presented as a first in France. “I have always considered that it is a waste, and in the current period, I consider that this waste has become intolerable and unbearable,” Jean-François Debat told AFP.

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