Aida Prima safe in Hamburg – but now the storm “Zeynep” is threatening

Hurricane “Zeynep”
Aida Prima arrived safely in Hamburg – now the next storm is threatening

Only makes you happy when the water is calm: a cruise with the Aida Prima.

© Bildagentur-online / McPhoto-Waldkirch / Picture Alliance

Because of the storm “Ylenia”, the cruise ship Aida Prima had to make an unplanned stop off Heligoland. Now the Kussmundschiff has arrived in Hamburg – but with “Zeynep” the next storm is rolling. What’s next?

Breakfast with waves nine meters high: The cruise with the Aida Prima should have been at least adventurous in the past few days, some passengers even write that it was “really bad”. No wonder: Because instead of docking in Hamburg as planned on February 17, 2022, the ship had to “weather out”, as the sailors call it, in the German Bight off Helgoland.

Because of the storm “Ylenia”, the Hamburg port authority had forbidden the ship to enter the Elbe and thus extended the trip unplanned. Now the Aida Prima has arrived at the Cruise Center Steinwerder with a significant delay. Actually, a bed change and the continuation of the journey is on the program, but with “Zeynep” the next storm rolls in from the Atlantic.

+++ Read also: “Aida Prima”: cruise ship is stuck with passengers in the hurricane off Helgoland +++

“Aida Prima arrived safely in Hamburg at 07:30 this morning. We will continue to monitor the current weather conditions,” explains Aida Cruises when asked star. It is unclear when the ship will leave the port of Hamburg again. Actually, it should continue today with a metropolitan tour from Hamburg via Southampton, Paris, Brussels and Rotterdam.

Planned departure in danger?

The departure was originally planned for 6 p.m., but the weather services also expect the arrival of the hurricane low in the Hanseatic city at this time, which should only reach its peak on Saturday night. Severe stormy or hurricane-like gusts are to be expected in northern Germany, extreme hurricane gusts of up to 140 kilometers per hour can occur on the East Frisian coast up to the Elbe. The German Weather Service warns: “The risk of storm surges, especially in the area of ​​the Elbe, is correspondingly high.”

+++ Also read: One hurricane chases the next – map shows where storm “Zeynep” is strongest today +++

So it doesn’t look good for the Aida Prima to continue its journey on time. The Hamburg port authority HPA reports the star: “It can be assumed that in the course of the afternoon we will again issue a wind ban for large ships. At the moment, however, we still have to continue to monitor the weather situation.” Passengers on social networks are also skeptical. There it says: “We have already received news that the check-in with the PCR tests will be extended to 6 p.m. And otherwise it was 4 p.m. So we don’t think it will be anything. Because the departure was actually 6 p.m..”


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