AI expert Kai-Fu Lee: “AI should serve humans” – Economy

Interviewed by

Helmut Martin-Jung and Nakissa Salavati

How will we live in 20 years? Kai-Fu Lee, one of the most accomplished experts in artificial intelligence, asks this question as a co-author together with science fiction author Qiufan Chen in his new book “2041”. The visions of the future are similar to today’s world, but significantly expand on it: in one story, for example, the cost of insurance depends on how family members behave, who they surround themselves with and where they are. Who actually controls whom? And how can you prevent an insurance app from absorbing and reinforcing prejudices about population groups? Lee has worked at Apple, Microsoft and SGI, was President of Google China and wrote the bestselling book AI Superpowers. He now heads the venture capital firm Sinovation Ventures.

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