Ahead of Munich conference, Berlin criticizes Russian demands “dating from the Cold War”

The Munich Security Conference takes place every year, but this year there is a very special atmosphere. A scent of the Cold War, with crystallized tensions between Russia and the United States over the Ukrainian crisis, according to Germany. “With an unprecedented deployment of troops on the border with Ukraine and demands dating back to the Cold War, Russia calls into question the fundamental principles of the European peace order”, declared in a press release the German Minister of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock. An expression taken up by China, which got involved in the debate on Thursday, during the meeting of the Security Council, considering that “the constant expansion of NATO, in the wake of the Cold War, (was going) to against our times.

The list of those present at this great defense meeting, where international leaders and high-ranking diplomats meet for three days, is proof of this. Among those expected in Munich are US Vice-President Kamala Harris, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, United Nations chief Antonio Guterres, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. But Russia, whose Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has regularly come to this annual conference, has not planned to participate this year.

An unconvincing withdrawal

The head of Russian diplomacy will meet his American counterpart Antony Blinken next week “provided there is no Russian invasion of Ukraine,” the State Department said Thursday evening. According to a White House official, President Biden will meet on Friday afternoon “with transatlantic leaders (…) about the Russian military troops massed on the border with Ukraine” and the efforts to make the situation prevail. diplomacy.

Thursday, the dialogue of the deaf continued between the United States and Russia, taking a very solemn turn at the UN Security Council where Antony Blinken came to urge the Russians to “give up the path of war”. “All the indications we have is that (the Russians) are ready to enter Ukraine, to attack Ukraine,” Joe Biden had previously said, judging the possible offensive “in the coming days”. Moscow had announced Tuesday and Wednesday the withdrawal of its troops, images of trains loaded with equipment in support, but without convincing the West.

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