Against “identity panics”, Yannick Jadot poses as “climate president” in Laon

It was his first campaign rally. The environmentalist presidential candidate Yannick Jadot said he wanted to “give France a president of the climate” against “the identity panics” manipulated according to him by the right and the far right, this Saturday in Laon.

“I hear the divisions, the fears, which seize the country”, manipulated by the extreme right and the right in order “to set France ablaze for the purposes of identity panic”, thundered the MEP, accompanied by his spokesperson, Delphine Batho. He opposed them with his “happy alternative”, that which “organizes an uncompromising fight for the environment”. “Ecology is not a long penance, a punishment, it is not taking a cold shower once a month in the dark”, quipped the candidate.

Many allusions to Eric Zemmour’s candidacy

It is “to make life, youth and the future prevail, against those who want to organize French suicide”, he said in reference to the title of a work by the far-right candidate Eric Zemmour. “The far right in all its forms and the French right which turns its back on its Gaullist heritage must know that they will face the serene and determined forces of life, of ecology”, chanted Yannick Jadot.

He insisted: “Our France is not that of the anti-Dreyfusards, of the collaborators, of defeat, whose motto is racism, anti-Semitism and revisionism”. “We will win by bringing together and reconciling the French,” said Yannick Jadot. “We are hit by climatic shocks, never have we been so weakened and these shocks do not care about borders, nationalities and identities,” said Yannick Jadot.

“The planet is burning with mega-fire, sinking with floods, this climate change is undoubtedly the greatest challenge of our century, a universal challenge because we are touching our human and terrestrial destiny”, he said. he adds. “We have the historic opportunity not to aggravate divisions, but to unite, to bring together” under the aegis of the “Ecological Republic”.

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