After the World Cup, registration requests “explode” in this Lyon club

Crampons on his feet, shorts and jersey on, Hajar strikes aiming for the goal. Every Monday and Wednesday evening, this young Lyonnaise trains with the U13 team of FC Gerland. And on the weekend, it’s time for the matches! This is his first year in a football club. “The World Cup made me want to get started,” she confides. And it’s not by chance that she chose this club: “My dream is to be like Selma Bacha,” she says with a big smile.

Fifteen years before her, the defender of the France team touched the same pitch. Besides, his name is everywhere. Whether on the lips of all the players or even hung on the walls. The one who shone during the last World Cup is the godmother of the club.

“She lived right there,” says Najib Maaref, president of FC Gerland, pointing to a building near the grounds. “We played together when we were little,” he remembers. So, in 2018, when he took over the management of the sports association, he directly created a women’s section [le club existe depuis 1938]. “It was super important to me. We still have a great champion who comes from the neighborhood, our city has the best team in the world [l’OL]the question was rather: why there wasn’t one before,” he asks.

A “huge craze” from girls and women

Since then, Najib Maaref has noted “enormous enthusiasm” from young girls and women. “In four seasons, we went from nothing to one team per age category, from 5 years old to seniors, with certain numbers going up to 27 or even 35 players,” he explains. According to him, the “notoriety” of the club plays a big role, especially since it is the only one in the neighborhood. “And then, unlike others, we really support the development of women’s football,” he adds. The license is cheaper than for boys but the training is the same, the equipment as well as the requirements. Besides, our most trained coach trains the girls! »

“But this season, it’s quite exceptional,” remarks Christine Lagrange, head of the women’s section. The fact that Selma passed through FC Gerland inevitably had an influence on the registrations. Especially since before the World Cup, all the selected players posed with the jersey of their first club. It gave us a little publicity stunt. Before the event, we didn’t have as many requests. This year, we have already had to turn away 50 people. » According to her, in addition to this spotlight on social networks, “the performances of the Lyon players” necessarily pushed young people to get started.

Have role models

“For the little ones, it matters a lot,” says Laetitia, U11 coach and goalie for the senior team. Having female role models, broadcast on major channels, with millions of people supporting them [5,7 millions de téléspectateurs lors du match contre l’Australie], it shows them that it’s possible to play football, even if you’re a girl. It wasn’t like that when I started, twenty-six years ago.” And added: “In addition to these high-profile events, we greatly underestimate the role of word of mouth. My daughter wanted to join the team because one of her classmates told her she was doing it and the atmosphere was great. »

And once on the pitch at FC Gerland, the players confirm. They don’t all dream of an international career but simply “of playing football without being criticized for being a girl”, says Louise, 12 years old. The one who has always kicked the ball, according to “her first memories”, considers herself lucky. She didn’t have to endure remarks in the playground or refusal from her parents.

“We are progressing slowly but there is still a lot to do,” raises Christine Lagrange, referring to the sexual assault of Spanish player Jennifer Hermoso after the world title of the women’s “Roja”.

In total, out of 700 registered at FC Gerland, 130 are part of the women’s section. “We could reach the same number of graduates as for boys if we were given slots,” slips the president, heading towards the town hall. He would also like the municipality to “keep its promises”. The new team told him [avant les élections de 2020] that the club would have new premises. Because since 2019, they have been in prefabs. “We are asking for at least new toilets so that there is one especially for our women,” he breathes. There, we are ashamed for them… That too is part of a commitment to the development of women’s sport! »

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