After the rout of his team, Juninho expresses his “shame”

At Roazhon Park,

Euphoria qualification for the round of 16 of the Europa League already seems very far away. Because it’s a nasty hangover that awaits the Lyonnais when they wake up this Monday morning
after their rout against Rennes Sunday evening (4-1). Walked throughout the meeting, the Gones received a real correction on the lawn of Roazhon Park and the score could have been even saltier without the parades of Anthony Lopes in the first half. “From half-time, we could already be 4-0,” admitted coach Peter Bosz.

In this clash between two candidates for Europe, Olympique Lyonnais simply did not exist, leaving his opponent to impose his pace and martyr his defense. It was Gaëtan Laborde who first broke through the wall just before the break before Hamari Traoré and Adrien Truffert, twice, worsened the score. “The victory of Rennes is deserved, we were bad tonight, collectively, with the ball, without the ball,” said the Lyon coach, slightly disillusioned, after the meeting. “From the start of the match, I felt that we were not well, we lost balls that were too easy”.

“No pleasure in defending one for the other”, according to Juninho

In the mixed zone, Juninho also looked like a bad day. “We are a little ashamed of course, we were totally overwhelmed,” he said, before pointing to the recurring problems of his team: “We have a lot of fun when we have the ball. But we don’t have fun defending each other. In top-level football, you even have to be nasty ”.

Naughty, the Lyonnais were it all the same. But between them. Jérôme Boateng thus set fire to his captain Léo Dubois in the first period for a history of marking. “It’s emotion, when things don’t turn out in your favor, we talked together. We did not communicate well on the ground, it is normal ”, reacted the German defender at the microphone ofAmazon Prime Video.

The header between Aouar and Paqueta for a penalty

Aouar and Paqueta also took the lead at the very end of the game to find out who would take the penalty in order to save the honor. It was finally the Brazilian who took care of it. “I don’t want to make a big deal out of it,” Houssem Aouar said in the mixed zone to defuse the affair. Normally I am the one appointed, but I felt that he was very keen on it. So there you have it, in the end I gave in and I gave it to him but honestly there is nothing at all ”.

The fact remains that this heavy defeat will leave traces on the side of Olympique Lyonnais who will quickly have to recover after the international break under penalty of serious setbacks in Ligue 1. This will require tightening up the defense which has again taken hold. water Sunday night and has already conceded 21 goals since the start of the season.

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