After the revelation of Laurent Wauquiez’s sumptuous dinner, environmentalists take legal action

The environmental group from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is demanding accountability from the LR president of the region Laurent Wauquiez. Following the publication of an investigation by Mediapart denouncing a dinner organized at the beginning of the summer which cost a hundred thousand euros, the Greens alerted the Regional Chamber of Accounts. They also prepared a report to “the competent prosecutor” so that “any suspicion of embezzlement of public funds and illegal taking of interest is removed”. This report should be sent in the coming hours to the Lyon prosecutor or the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) which already has the community in its sights.

Thursday, Mediapart revealed the holding last June of a “summit dinner” at the Château de la Chaize, in Beaujolais, which “brought together around 90 people” for a cost “of just over 100,000 euros”, i.e. an addition final of more than 1,100 euros per guest.

Environmentalists demand reimbursement of the bill

The Region assumes that it has funded 100% of this “networking” evening aimed at bringing together economic, sporting, cultural and associative actors from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. But she did not specify on which budget this expense was charged when she recently made significant cuts in the finances of culture.

Noting that “no information has been given to the members of the regional council on these events”, the ecologists demand “all transparency” on the file and “the reimbursement of these indecent sums in times of crisis” and “even then that the executive conducts a policy of austerity in terms of subsidies to the associative world and aid to precarious people”.

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