After the Hamas attack and two days of fighting, the Israeli town of Sderot still between alerts and uncertainty – Libération

Seen from Israel

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Israel-Palestine, endless conflict?case

In the city stuck to the Gaza Strip, in theory completely free of the attackers, the atmosphere remains tense.

The Israeli army declared at midday Monday that towns around Gaza were now safe. As a precaution, residents are still ordered to stay at home – Hamas men could still be in the surrounding area, hidden, waiting their turn.

In Sderot, a town of 27,000 inhabitants, it is difficult to check each apartment, room by room. The tension remains palpable, we can still hear shots. “We are told that it is released, but at the same time we are told that there may still be Hamasnikim. We don’t know what to think anymore.” says Avshalom Krispel, hyperactive and strong-willed – he cooks while making his ex-wife and children laugh, who have come to spend this difficult time with him.

Police and soldiers patrol in armored vehicles, machine guns in the window. Suddenly we hear a dehumanized female voice: “Tzeva Adom. Tzeva Adom.” (“red color”, the bomb alert signal). The sirens did not have time to roar before whistles and explosions resounded – interceptions from the iron dome no doubt. We watch as we pass – too late to seek shelter, we barely have time to throw ourselves ashore, the alert has already passed. I

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