After the formation of the government: Büning wants to become the Greens managing director

Status: 16.12.2021 2:58 p.m.

The current head of organization of the Greens, Büning, wants to become the new federal manager. Your candidacy is the first to succeed incumbent Kellner, who is moving to the climate protection ministry.

The Green politician Emily Büning wants to become the new Federal Political Director of her party. She throws her hat in the ring and applies to be political director, she shared on Twitter. She is running as the successor to long-time incumbent Michael Kellner. “I will do all I can to ensure that the party is an anchor and drive for the government: with strong values, ideas and visions,” writes Büning in her post.

“Left and Anti-Fascist Party of Freedom”

Büning is 36 years old, is part of the left wing of the Greens and has been the Federal Organizational Manager since 2012. She tends to be more active behind the scenes. She looks after organizational and administrative issues within the federal office, is responsible for its staff and for the organization of party conferences and also takes part in meetings of the federal executive committee.

“Even in government responsibility, it is important for us to continue an independent green program – towards a socially just, feminist government policy that resolutely combats the climate crisis,” writes Büning in her Application for the election at the party day. The Greens are a “left and anti-fascist party of freedom”. The federal election campaign had shown that there was the potential to win even more voters for the Greens than the election results reflect. “That’s why, as Political Director, I want to look back on this election year and analyze successes and mistakes together, in order to be even better positioned for the upcoming elections.”

Incumbent Kellner becomes State Secretary

The current Federal Political Director Michael Kellner has held the office since 2013. He is not standing for election again, but is moving as Parliamentary State Secretary to Robert Habeck’s new climate protection and economics ministry.

The previous Federal Political Director, Kellner, is moving to the Ministry of Climate Protection and Economics.

Image: dpa

The role of the Federal Political Director corresponds to that of the Secretary General in other parties. This includes organizational tasks, the management of election campaigns, but also public appearances as part of the party leadership.

Büning is so far the only candidate for the waiter’s successor. “Spiegel Online” initially reported on their application. The election of the new federal manager should take place at the digital party conference of the Greens at the end of January. The new chairmen are also elected there. For the successor of the previous chairmen Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock, the previous deputy party leader Ricarda Lang and the foreign politician Omid Nouripour are applying. Baerbock has taken over the Foreign Office in the traffic light government.

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