after the fire, access partially prohibited in the forest of Rennes

The fire is now under control even if vigilance remains in order. Monday noon, a major fire broke out in the forest of Rennes in the municipalities of Liffré, Saint-Sulpice-la-Forêt and Thorigné-Fouillard. On the spot, 110 firefighters intervened to fight against the flames which ravaged approximately 25 hectares out of the 3,000 which make up the national forest of Rennes.

A major fire broke out on Monday May 16 in the forest of Rennes, between Liffré and Thorigné-Fouillard. – Firefighters – SDIS 35

Aided by agents from the National Forestry Office, around 70 firefighters were still on site on Tuesday morning to prevent the fire from starting again. This will still be the case tonight with several dozen firefighters who will remain mobilized.

A call for “the greatest vigilance”

In order not to interfere with their work and “to ensure the protection of the population”, the prefect of Ille-et-Vilaine also issued a decree on Tuesday afternoon to partially prohibit access to the forest. In the sector concerned, which extends over several kilometres, “access, circulation and the presence of all members of the public” are thus prohibited, as well as “the use of equipment or machinery which may be the source of an outbreak of fire by heating or production of sparks”.

While Ille-et-Vilaine is placed in a state of drought, the authorities are also calling on “everyone to be extremely vigilant and to respect the safety instructions in the forest in order to avoid any fire starting”. They are a reminder that you should not smoke in forest areas, do not throw cigarette butts out of the window of your vehicle or light a fire or barbecue within 200 meters of wooded areas or moors. The reasons for the start of the fire which destroyed the forest of Rennes on Monday are unknown for the time being.

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