After the explosion in Liverpool, the level of the terrorist threat raised to “serious”

The day after the explosion of a taxi in front of a hospital in Liverpool (northern England), which left one dead and one injured, the United Kingdom raised, on Monday, the level of the terrorist threat to ” serious ”, announced the British Home Secretary, Priti Patel.

“We are increasing the level of the threat from significant to serious,” the minister said on television, stressing that the events in Liverpool represent the second act considered terrorist after the murder of MP David Amess a month ago. This threat level means that the risk of attack is considered “highly probable”.

The “British people will never be intimidated by terrorism”

The “British people will never allow themselves to be intimidated by terrorism”, reacted British Prime Minister Boris Johnso on Monday.

Calling for vigilance, the Prime Minister stressed that these facts “show us all that the British people will never be intimidated by terrorism, we will never give in to those who want to divide us by senseless acts”.

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