After the Covid, will travel enthusiasts give in to “revenge travel”?

“We’ve already done India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bali several times… In recent years, it’s been a big trip a year, sometimes twice. So since the Covid, of course there is frustration. We only want to catch up! At 60 and 73, Claire and Joëlle can’t wait to get back on a plane. These two long-time friends, met this Sunday at the Nantes International Tourism Fair, are looking for their next destination, in Asia or South America. “We like beautiful landscapes, culture, the sun…, they explain. Last year, we traveled mainly in Europe, but it’s not the same. It looks too much like France, which we already know well. »

Like these two women, many globetrotters have felt frustrated at not having been able to indulge in their favorite hobby for the past two or three years, against the backdrop of a pandemic. So much so that some professionals in the sector are talking about a new phenomenon called “revenge travel”, this frenetic need to go on vacation and get away from it all, as if to make up for lost time.

“As soon as we were able to leave, we tried it, report Françoise and Patrick, who flew to Reunion Island in the middle of the fourth wave of Covid, in November 2021. It was heads or tails but we dared, after being deprived of travel for a year and a half. For 2023, they hope to finally be able to set sail for Iceland, after a cancellation. “We are getting older, smiles the couple. We have already lost two years, so we hurry while we still have our legs”.

Airline ticket prices are skyrocketing

While the rebound has already been felt in 2022 in France and Europe and health constraints are still receding, will 2023 be the year of all journeys, further and more frequent? Nothing is less certain, even if according to one recent survey81% of people surveyed say they are “very likely” or “fairly likely” to travel this year (up from 75% last year) .

“The main problem is the prices, calculates Raphaële, agency manager at the tour operator Salaün holidays. Circuits, plane tickets… with kerosene, everything has increased, especially for long haul. So even if people want to, paying for just one trip a year becomes a luxury…”

Behind his stand in the colors of Vietnam, Thu Ha Tran will not say the opposite. “The French do not yet seem ready to fly 11 hours to come and discover the country, deplores the operator. It must be said that prices have increased by 30%, so many travelers are hesitant. »

At the Tunisian tourist office, on the other hand, we have a smile. “Some had assets after cancellations, others are interested in the destination because it is not very far, there is a good climate, 1,300 km of coast…, boasts Adel El Hor, the sales representative present at the Salon tourism. We had a very good 2022 season, we hope this one will be even better. »

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