after the break with the National Rally, the head of the AfD list sanctioned by his party

Marine Le Pen says “it is time to make a break” with the German far-right AfD party

The former president of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen, returned Wednesday morning, on Europe 1 and CNewson his party’s break with Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). “The AfD goes from provocation to provocation, we delayed, I had the opportunity to distance myself. Now it is no longer time to distance ourselves, it is time to break up”said The pen. She thus considered that it was a “movement which does not[était] not directed and which, clearly, suffered[ssait] the influence of radical groups ».

“We will no longer sit with them during the next term”had decided on Tuesday Alexandre Loubet, director of the campaign led by Jordan Bardella, with Release. Requested by The worldthe RN confirmed the break, decision taken “following recent statements by the AfD”. In Italian daily newspapers La Repubblica and British Financial TimesMaximilian Krah, head of the AfD list in the June 9 vote, argued that any member of the SS, the pivotal paramilitary organization of Adolf Hitler’s totalitarian project, should not be considered “automatically like a criminal”.

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Marine Le Pen also reiterated “criticism of the European Union, [pas] from Europe “who, according to her, “beautiful days ahead as long as we respect the sovereignty of nations”. She considered that these elections were “fundamental” to oppose the « project of Emmanuel Macron and his friends [qui] aims to take away from nations the last skills they have left”.

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