After the arrival of a new serval, a shelter near Lyon denounces this “crazy fashion” and illegal

“It is time for this to stop. The Tonga land of welcome refuge, in Saint-Martin-la-Plaine in the Loire, about forty kilometers from Lyon, expressed its annoyance on Thursday after the arrival of the twentieth serval at the center since the beginning of 2022 The latter had been recovered in Lille, at the beginning of July, by the fire brigade.

In a press release, the establishment recalls the many articles about these felines “found and / or abandoned” in recent months. “The pace of servals found in the streets is accelerating,” he warns, wondering if the animals are escaping or if they are abandoned by their owners. For the zoological space, this news must make “awareness of their illegality to the holders of servals” and of “their stupidity”.

Servals, a way to “scratch likes”

The refuge reminds us that these animals have no place in a house and that they are wild, prohibited from being kept, dangerous and protected, just like tigers and lions.

For Tonga, a welcoming land, these people must be severely punished for using servals for “a misplaced desire for exoticism” or “a means of scratching likes and followers on social networks”. The zoological space then reaffirms its “full support in the fight against this crazy fashion” for the French Office for Biodiversity and the Central Office for the Fight against Damage to the Environment and Public Health.

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