After school massacre in Uvalde: US judiciary investigates police operation

Status: 05/29/2022 10:20 p.m

The US Department of Justice has announced an investigation into the Texas school shooting. Recently, the police had come under increasing pressure. US President Biden commemorated the 21 victims during his visit to Uvalde.

The US Department of Justice wants to investigate the use in the massacre at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. The agency said it was looking into police action in the killing spree that killed 19 elementary school students and two teachers. The mayor of the affected small town of Uvalde, Don McLaughlin, asked for it. The aim of the investigation is to create an independent report on what happened that day and to draw lessons for other attacks.

Department spokesman Anthony Coley said the inquiry would be conducted in a fair, impartial and independent manner and the results would be made public. The inquiry comes amid mounting pressure and questions about the sometimes varied and sometimes conflicting information about what happened at Robb Elementary School and the police’s actions last Tuesday.

Cops should wait

An 18-year-old gunman killed 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in the small Texas town of Uvalde. The attacker locked himself in with students and teachers in two connected classrooms and shot around there.

New investigations into what happened that day put police under severe pressure: Texas authorities revealed on Friday that students and teachers had called 911 multiple times for help while more than a dozen police officers were stopped by a police commander in a school hallway , wait and see. The underlying belief was that the attack was over, said Steven McCraw of the Texas Public Safety Agency.

Biden visits Uvalde

US President Biden traveled to Uvalde with his wife Jill on Sunday. Before Robb Elementary School, the scene of the crime, Biden stopped at a memorial with 21 white crosses – one for each of the victims. The First Lady placed a bouquet of white flowers on the school sign where several bouquets were already lying. Together, the Bidens toured individual altars erected to commemorate each student. The first lady touched the pictures of the children. They then attended a church service and met relatives of the victims.

Biden and his wife Jill paused and laid flowers at a memorial for those killed at Robb Elementary School.

Image: AP

The Uvalde killing spree has once again fueled debate about tightening gun laws in the United States. Many Republicans have been opposed to stricter regulations for years. President Biden found clear words immediately after the massacre: “I’m fed up,” he complained. “We have to take action.” The “carnage” must not go on forever.

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