After Putin’s nuclear threats: Lambrecht warns of paralysis – and of escalation

Status: 10/01/2022 10:42 a.m

Defense Minister Lambrecht has warned of the paralysis of the West in view of the Russian nuclear threats. At the same time, however, it is also important to prevent further escalation, she said during her visit to the Republic of Moldova.

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht warned that the West would be paralyzed by Russian threats to use nuclear weapons and called for continued support for Ukraine.

The threats would be taken seriously by the federal government and observed with great concern, said the SPD politician in Chisinau in Moldova after a meeting with her counterpart Anatolie Nosatii. “It’s important to be very careful. But it’s also important not to be paralyzed by such threats,” Lambrecht warned.

“Be vigilant, react prudently”

She added: “This must not lead to careless support for Ukraine.” It is now important “to be vigilant, to react very prudently and to ensure that there is no further escalation”. Ukraine must continue to receive consistent support.

Lambrecht had previously been received with military honors by her counterpart Anatolie Nosatii on a visit to Moldova, which borders Ukraine.

EU demands reforms for accession

Lambrecht had already arrived in Moldova on Friday evening. The country is one of the smallest countries on the border with Ukraine and has been severely affected by the refugee movements from the neighboring country, but also by the consequences of the corona pandemic and the energy crisis. Like Ukraine, Moldova is an EU candidate country.

According to a recommendation by the EU Commission, accession negotiations with both countries should only begin once they have fulfilled further reform requirements. It is about judicial reforms and stronger fight against corruption.

Moldova hit hard by energy crisis

Development Minister Svenja Schulze recently announced that Moldova would be supported with an additional 60 million euros to deal with the energy crisis. More than a quarter of the population lives in absolute poverty. In addition, the purchase price for gas has increased twelvefold in the past twelve months as a result of the Russian war of aggression

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