After overheating, the temperature will suddenly drop by 10 degrees

Put away the swimsuits and take out the jumpsuits. If the gale announced this weekend on the Camargue and the Bouches-du-Rhône should delight surfers in Marseille, it will also have the effect of causing a sudden drop in the temperature of the waters of the Mediterranean, has explained Alexis Vandevoorde on his twitter account.

BFM TV spotted a publication in which the meteorologist announces that the surface waters of the Mediterranean will lose 10 degrees in forty-eight hours. A fall linked to the mixing of the waters and the rising to the surface of deep waters.

This is good news for the Mediterranean and the ecosystems, damaged by abnormally high and early temperatures this year. In Marseille, the gorgonian corals were decimated up to 20 meters deep, the scientists were able to observe. Higher water temperatures also lead to more violent weather episodes, as demonstrated by thunderstorms in Corsica, where winds reached 200 km/h in gusts, and caused the death of five people.

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