After much hesitation: Australia adopts climate law

Status: 08/04/2022 3:13 p.m

Australia is particularly hard hit by the consequences of climate change – but has done little so far. That is about to change: the House of Representatives has introduced a climate law for the first time.

Australia’s House of Representatives has passed a climate bill for the first time in the country’s history. After several amendments, the bill was passed by a vote of 89 to 55 in the capital, Canberra. The Labor government that took office in May wants to enshrine its plans in the fight against climate change – in particular a reduction in CO2 emissions by 43 percent by 2030 – in national law. The law will be presented to the second chamber of parliament, the Senate, in mid-September.

After the vote in parliament, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese spoke of “fulfilling a core promise” that his party had made to voters. “Passing this law sends a great message to the people of Australia – that we really are doing something about climate change.” Albanese aims to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions by 43 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels.

Green approval was uncertain for a long time

Scott Morrison’s previous conservative government was heavily criticized for its hesitant stance on climate policy. However, Albanese also recently said in an interview with the broadcaster ABC that he did not want to stop the coal mining criticized by climate experts so as not to burden the economy.

Until recently, it was unclear whether the Greens would support the law. In weeks of negotiations, the party initially pushed for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 75 percent, which Labor rejected. Green Party leader Adam Bandt finally pledged his party’s support last night.

Australia particularly affected by climate change

Bandt said it remains important to act as soon as possible: “If we reach 2 degrees (of global warming) we will have to say goodbye to the Great Barrier Reef and parts of Australia could become uninhabitable if we go beyond that.” However, the fight against the opening of new coal and gas mines by Labor continues. Independent politicians also emphasized that the emission targets should be understood as a minimum with plenty of room for improvement.

Australia has felt the effects of climate change severely in recent years: in 2019 huge forest and bush fires in the east of the country devastated an area the size of Finland, in February 2022 floods caused severe damage. Recently, renewed massive coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef became known.

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