After more than 40 years: Reagan assassin finally set free

As of: 09/28/2021 02:06 am

So far, assassin John Hinckley has been under the supervision of doctors. He tried to shoot the US President Reagan in 1981. More than 40 years later, he is expected to be completely released.

By Arthur Landwehr, ARD-Studio Washington

Reagan assassin John Hinckley is set free. A federal judge decided in June that he will be able to move freely again after 41 years. In 1981, the then 25-year-old President Ronald Reagan ambushed after an event and then shot him. He seriously wounded the President and three other men.

Hinckley had stated at the time that he wanted to impress actress Jodie Foster with what he had stalked for a while. At the trial, Hinckley was acquitted of insanity but was placed in a psychiatric hospital. Several requests for release were denied, among other things because he had tried to contact the murderers Ted Bundy and Charles Manson.

For five years, however, he has been living with his mother under strict conditions because, according to the judge at the time, he is no longer a danger. He will be put under surveillance for the next few months. If he is not in debt, all conditions will be withdrawn and Hinckley will be free.

Reagan assassin John Hinckley released

Arthur Landwehr, ARD Washington, September 27th, 2021 11:39 pm

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