After his kidnapping in May, his father indicted in Grenoble

The father of the young Eya, 10, who had been kidnapped for thirty hours at the end of May in Isère before being found in Denmark, was indicted with an accomplice, the Grenoble prosecutor’s office announced on Thursday.

On July 7, he was indicted for “removal of a child by ascending from the hands of the person in charge of his custody”, “aggravated violence”, “violence without incapacity on a 15-year-old minor” and placed in pre-trial detention. , announced Grenoble prosecutor Eric Vaillant.

From Grenoble to Copenhagen

On June 23, the girl’s father’s friend was indicted for “complicity in the abduction of a child”, “aggravated violence” and “violence against a 15-year-old minor without incapacity”, before being also remanded in custody.

The little girl, educated in CM2, had been kidnapped on May 25 while she was walking with her mother on the way to her school in Fontaine, in the suburbs of Grenoble. According to the prosecution, the father “and a hooded accomplice” had “gassed the little girl’s mother with tear gas” before seizing the child.

Thirty hours after her abduction, the girl was found in Rodbyhavn, about a hundred kilometers south of Copenhagen, a crossing point for ferries from Germany, where the kidnappers could have been arrested. The child was able to return to France with his mother three days later.

A kidnapping alert in France

At the time of the abduction, a judicial investigation had been opened, in particular for aggravated violence against the mother of the child, as well as for subtraction by ascending and complicity, and a European arrest warrant had been issued. Eric Vaillant then specified that the handing over of the two suspects to the French authorities could take “from a few days to several weeks”.

A kidnapping alert had also been broadcast in France with photos of the girl and the father as well as her identity.

Before the arrest of the suspects, the prosecutor had indicated that the elements in the possession of the investigators suggested that the father, his accomplice and the child had gone abroad. He mentioned as “possible destinations” Sweden and Tunisia, countries corresponding to the dual nationality of the father, aged 53.

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