After high-rise collapse near Miami: search for survivors suspended

As of: July 8th, 2021 7:01 pm

The search for survivors in the rubble of the collapsed skyscraper near Miami is over. 80 residents are still missing. The number of recovered fatalities has risen to 60.

Two weeks after the partial collapse of a residential complex in the city of Surfside near Miami, rescue workers have stopped looking for survivors.

Miami Dade district administration chief Daniella Levine Cava spoke of an “extremely difficult” and “painful” decision. But in the meantime “all options” in the search for surviving residents have been exhausted.

Search for personal valuables

The mission in the rubble is not yet over, said Levine Cava. One still hopes for a miracle. The focus is now also on the search for the residents’ personal items, such as photo albums, cell phones, jewelry or important documents.

According to official information, 60 bodies have now been recovered from the rubble. 80 people are still missing, according to Levine Cava.

Minute of silence at the time of the collapse

Last night there was a minute of silence on site at exactly 1:20 a.m. local time. The search teams involved briefly stopped their work to commemorate the victims of the collapse.

The residential complex in the Surfside district with around 130 residential units collapsed on June 24 for reasons that were still unclear. At the beginning of the week, the remaining ruins were blown up in a controlled manner for fear of their instability.

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