After fatal film set accident: Alec Baldwin thanks fans for “kind words”

After a fatal film set accident
Alec Baldwin thanks fans for “kind words”

He wants to try to survive a “really difficult time”, explains actor Alec Baldwin in a video clip on Instagram. Photo: Seth Wenig / AP / dpa

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He is looking forward to leaving “some aspects of this thing” behind, the actor explains in a video after the fatal set accident. However, not a day goes by “on which I do not think about it”.

For Christmas, US actor Alec Baldwin (63) addressed his fans in a video and thanked them for their sympathy after the fatal incident on his film set.

“I wanted to take a moment to thank all the people who have sent me kind words and good wishes, strength, hope, prayers, thoughts and so much encouragement,” said the actor in the clip that was published on Instagram . He has received hundreds of messages from friends, family members and colleagues as well as from people “whom I had not heard from in a long time”. He is really grateful for that.

When filming the western “Rust” on a film ranch in Santa Fe, New Mexico, camerawoman Halyna Hutchins (42) was fatally injured and director Joel Souza (48) was hit on the shoulder on October 21. Lead actor Baldwin, who was also involved in the film as a producer, had used the gun during the rehearsal for a scene. The ongoing investigation revealed that there was a real bullet in the Colt.

“I never lose sight of it”

“I’m obviously looking forward to some aspects of this being behind me,” Baldwin said in the video. However, it will never be completely over, “because someone died so tragically”. The 63-year-old added: “I never lose sight of it, not a day goes by that I don’t think about it.”

At the end of the video message, the Hollywood star wished his fans happy holidays. He will spend Christmas at home with his wife and children. He wanted to try to get through a “really difficult time”.


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