After Draghi’s resignation: elections in Italy have begun

Status: 09/25/2022 07:04 a.m

After the end of Prime Minister Draghi’s government, Italy is electing a new parliament today. According to the polls, there could be a shift to the right.

By Elisabeth Pongratz, ARD Studio Rome

Since early morning, 51 million Italians have been called to go to the polls. According to the latest polls, a right-wing alliance led by the Fratelli d’Italia with party leader Giorgia Meloni is clearly ahead by around 15 to 20 percent. The alliance includes Matteo Salvini’s Lega and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia.

Will Meloni become the first woman prime minister?

Meloni entered with the slogan “We are ready”. The 45-year-old Roman could become Italy’s first female prime minister. She herself began her political work in the youth organization of a neo-fascist party. The Fratelli d’Italia, founded in 2012, are considered nationalist and right-wing extremists.

The main opponents are the Social Democrats under party leader Enrico Letta. They could become the strongest force among the centre-left parties, which were well behind the right-wing coalition in the polls.

The Five Star Movement under former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has recently caught up. Your election program now has clear leftist traits.

Up to 40 percent of voters are still undecided

According to the pollsters, around 30 to 40 percent of voters are still undecided. Your choice could determine how clear the right-wing alliance’s expected victory will be. For the first time fewer MPs will be elected, the two chambers of parliament have been reduced by around a third to a total of 600 seats. The polling stations are open until 11 p.m. After the first projections, a preliminary result is expected for Monday morning.

Election in Italy has started

Elisabeth Pongratz, ARD Rome, September 25, 2022 07:04 a.m

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