After Berlusconi’s death: Italy’s government is threatened with more unrest

Status: 06/12/2023 10:47 p.m

Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi didn’t have an easy relationship. The two recently argued violently and sometimes publicly. But the death of the former prime minister could be dangerous for Meloni.

The two had a difficult few months behind them. But on the day of the death message, Giorgia Meloni – as it should be – focused on respect for the deceased. “Silvio Berlusconi was above all a fighter,” said the head of government in her condolence video. “He was a man who was never afraid to defend his beliefs.”

Meloni owes a lot to Berlusconi. During his years in power, the boss of Forza Italia directly and indirectly promoted the career of the current prime minister. Indirectly, by making the formerly neo-fascist Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) part of his first coalition, thereby breaking the taboos on the extreme right in Italy. Directly by making Meloni the youngest minister in Italy in 2008 at the age of 31.

Public differences

But it is also true that Berlusconi and Meloni have been deeply at odds over the past few months. Berlusconi’s verdict is likely to be particularly memorable for the fact that he wrote on a piece of paper in October in the Senate, clearly visible to many photographers: “Giorgia Meloni – bossy behavior, pretentious, arrogant, insulting, ridiculous.” Previously, Berlusconi and the prime minister had fallen out over the cabinet list. Berlusconi’s people voted against Meloni’s candidate for Senate President.

These wounds have not been closed to the last. Again and again differences between the two became public. When Meloni took a stand against Brussels over the issue of the recognition of children of same-sex couples, Berlusconi’s Forza Italia criticized her for doing so.

Conflict over Ukraine policy

Berlusconi was particularly at odds with the head of government on Ukraine policy. He criticized Melonis’ visit to Kiev in February as a mistake and, to the dismay of many party friends, blamed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the outbreak of the Russian war of aggression.

Berlusconi had a long-standing male friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Within the governing coalition, Berlusconi was the harshest critic of Meloni’s pro-Ukraine policies. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who largely agrees with Meloni in his support for Kiev, is now likely to head Forza Italia.

Forza Italia needs to reorient itself

One problem for the head of government, however, is that Forza Italia will have to reorient itself in many areas without Berlusconi. So far, the party has been dependent on Berlusconi’s wallet, he alone has been the face and voice of Forza Italia. Even in the hospital, Berlusconi struggled in front of the camera for his last public appearance a month ago.

“Unfortunately, I’m still in the San Raffaele Clinic, but I put on a jacket and shirt for you guys this morning,” he said, drawn by his leukemia disease, in a video that critics also found touching. It was some of his last public words: “I take the liberty of interrupting you again to remind you that local elections are taking place.”

Many in Italy question Forza Italia’s long-term survival without Berlusconi, who still had to make campaign calls from his sickbed. This is not without risk for Meloni. Even if the prime minister is initially able to act more calmly in foreign policy, there is generally a risk of more unrest in the government due to a coalition partner who has to reinvent itself politically.

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