After assassination attempt: Slovakian Prime Minister Fico out of danger

As of: May 19, 2024 1:30 p.m

Four days after the attack, Slovakian Prime Minister Fico’s life is no longer in danger. There are signs of recovery, but his recovery will still take time, explains his deputy.

After the attack on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, his deputy says his life is now out of danger. “There is no longer any direct threat to his life,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Robert Kalinak. The 59-year-old head of government’s condition remains serious four days after the attack.

Kalinak said: “Based on the consultation of the medical council this morning, we can determine that the patient is currently outside of a life-threatening state. However, his condition remains very serious and he will need a long time and rest to recover. Before transfer from Banska Bystrica to the capital Bratislava is unthinkable for the time being.

Fico Deputy: Physical conditioning is strong

The deputy said that Fico’s “physical condition is so strong that we can expect further recovery day by day.” The worst fears are over for now. “We’re all a little more relaxed now.”

The 59-year-old Fico was critically injured by multiple gunshots on Wednesday after a cabinet meeting in the small town of Handlova. He then underwent five hours of emergency surgery at a hospital in the central Slovakian city of Banska Bystrica. Another two-hour operation followed on Friday.

Assassin charged with attempted murder

According to media reports, the attacker, who was arrested shortly after the crime, is 71 years old, a former security guard and author of books of poetry. He was charged with attempted murder. A court ordered pre-trial detention.

According to Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok, the accused is a “loner”. According to previous information from the police and government, the man had shot him from close range out of hatred against Fico and his government policies.

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