After an incident during the election campaign: Chrupalla’s blood sample was normal

As of: October 6th, 2023 4:04 p.m

After AfD leader Chrupalla’s stay in the hospital, the public prosecutor’s office published initial findings: According to this, no toxic substances were detected in his blood. However, the doctors found a puncture site.

After an incident at an election campaign event in Bavaria and a subsequent hospitalization of AfD leader Tino Chrupalla, his blood sample was normal, according to the Ingolstadt public prosecutor’s office. The public prosecutor writes that no suspicious substances were found in the examinations carried out by the Ingolstadt Clinic or in the toxicological examination commissioned by the investigative authorities.

Only the “intake of painkillers in the therapeutic range” was proven. At the same time, the preliminary doctor’s letter shows that Chrupalla’s physical examination revealed a “needle prick on her right arm.”

However, the description that Chrupalla was “stabbed in the right upper arm with a syringe” while taking a selfie at the event is not supported by witness statements from his bodyguards. “These witnesses did not notice the provision of an injection or a physical attack,” the public prosecutor continues. “It was observed by witnesses that after a short time Mr Chrupalla grabbed his upper arm.” The investigations would continue.

Possible “heart disorder”?

AfD parliamentary group deputy Beatrix von Storch had previously spoken on the Internet service X about a “heart problem” that occurred in Chrupalla after the incident. The Bavarian AfD top candidate Katrin Ebner-Steiner reported a “pre-collapsic event” with dizziness, nausea and the urge to vomit that occurred as a result of the stab at Chrupalla.

After the election campaign event, the AfD federal office spoke of an “assault incident,” and a spokesman for Chrupalla’s office spoke of a “puncture site.” The police and public prosecutor’s office, however, said that a “superficial redness or swelling” was found on Chrupalla’s upper arm.

CSU accuses AfD of being “infamous” Election campaign maneuvers before

Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann accused the AfD of an election campaign maneuver. It is frightening “how infamous and conniving the AfD is trying to capitalize on the incidents among its own clientele in the state election campaign without waiting for the investigations,” criticized the CSU politician.

Weidel wants to perform in Hesse

Meanwhile, Chrupalla’s counterpart Alice Weidel announced that she would appear at the end of the election campaign in Hesse. She had canceled a campaign appearance at the beginning of the week.

According to his own statements, Weidel’s cancellation of the appearance in the Bavarian-Thuringian border town of Mödlareuth on German Unity Day was due to security reasons. As the party reported, the AfD co-chair had already been taken by the police from her second home in the Einsiedeln district of Switzerland to a safe place on September 23rd “after indications of a possible impending attack.”

After a week of sitting in the Bundestag, she then flew to Mallorca with her family to gain some distance from the events. “At the same time, she followed the advice to make herself scarce at home,” it continued.

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