After allegations of anti-Semitism: Roger Waters is allowed to appear in Frankfurt

After allegations of anti-Semitism
Roger Waters is allowed to appear in Frankfurt

Roger Waters has vehemently denied anti-Semitism allegations.

© Ben Cook/

Roger Waters is now allowed to perform in Frankfurt on May 28 after having legally challenged the concert cancellations.

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters (79) is now allowed to perform in the Festhalle in Frankfurt am Main on May 28th. That now has that administrative court in a statement announced. The musician had recently submitted an application there after the Hessian state government and the city’s magistrate wanted to cancel the concert, on the grounds that Waters was “one of the most widespread anti-Semites in the world”.

However, the notification states that the 7th Chamber of the Frankfurt Administrative Court decided on April 24 that “the City of Frankfurt and the State of Hesse, as shareholders of Frankfurter Messe GmbH, must give the musician and applicant the opportunity”. to carry out his planned concert.

Waters’ application is therefore admissible and his production company signed a contract with Messe GmbH in autumn 2022 to hold the concert on May 28, 2023. The court also writes: “In terms of content, the applicant has a right to the performance of the concert under Article 3 of the Basic Law in conjunction with the self-commitment of the administration. Because the Festhalle, as an event and concert hall, is generally used for events and concerts by international artists based on previous usage practice as well as dedicated to trade fairs, exhibitions and congresses of companies.”

However, an appeal can still be lodged against the decision within two weeks.

Concert in Munich will also take place

After a legal review, the city of Munich also decided to hold the Waters concert on May 21 in Munich’s Olympiahalle. According to Mayor Dieter Reiter (64), after a legal review, there is no other option, it said in March.

Criticism against Roger Waters

In the past, the controversial musician had repeatedly called for a boycott of Israel and accused the Jewish state of “mass murder against the Palestinians”. At concerts he also released pig-shaped balloons depicting a Star of David.

The 79-year-old also recently caused a stir with statements about Russia. He believes that NATO forced Putin to attack Ukraine. In addition, he, Waters, was “on a kill list supported by the Ukrainian government”.

However, Waters has vehemently denied the allegations of anti-Semitism. In a statement in mid-March, he stressed: “I want to make it clear once and for all that I am not anti-Semitic and have never been anti-Semitic.” He also announced last month that he would take legal action against the concert cancellations.


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