After allegations against director: rbb gives up ARD chairmanship early

Status: 04.08.2022 8:30 p.m

Has been standing for almost a month rbb-Intendant Schlesinger in the criticism. In order to clarify the allegations, your house gives up the presidency of the ARD. Among other things, it is about the awarding of consultancy contracts.

The Berlin-Brandenburg Radio (rbb) gives up its tasks as managing institution within the working group of the public service broadcasters of the Federal Republic of Germany (ARD) with immediate effect.

The station quoted its director and ARDChairwoman Patricia Schlesinger in a press release: “The public discussion about decisions and processes that fall within my area of ​​responsibility in the rbb now also touches that of ARD. The management of rbb and I see our main task now as helping to clarify these allegations.”

WDR should initially take over

The directors of the ARD welcomed the decision of rbb. They thanked him at the same time West German Broadcasting (WDR) for his willingness to carry out the day-to-day business of the ARD and to advance the important future projects of the broadcasting network. At the coming ARDAt the Annual General Meeting in Bremen in September, a new chair can also be appointed, who would be in office from 2023. Of the Südwestrundfunk (SWR) has declared its willingness to take on this task.

The allegations against Schlesinger include the award of consultancy contracts. Schlesinger has been director of the since July 1, 2016 rbb. The ARD-The station took over the chair at the beginning of the year as scheduled.

Again rbb-The board of directors announced on Monday that the broadcaster is setting up a whistleblower system to deal with the allegations against director Schlesinger, among others. This is supposed to rbb-Allow staff to report anonymously. In addition to the compliance officer and the transmitter’s audit, the Brandenburg state parliament is also dealing with the allegations.

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