“After all these years the ‘Harry Potter’ magic still operates,” say hello to fans

The Legilimens spell worked! On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the release on the screens of Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone, the adaptation of JK Rowling’s bestseller. Our readers, fans of the cult film saga, one of cinema’s most profitable franchises with $ 7.7 billion in revenue for eight films, share their thoughts, memories and emotions.

The “Harry Potter” saga holds a special place in the minds of our readers because they have had the impression of growing up with the famous wizard. “I grew up with Harry, I saw all the films at the cinema… It was the unmissable event every year and I still remember my emotion when we realized that it was the end”, se remembers Prune, 35 years old.

“We evolved at the same time as the characters”

“When I was 6, my father took me to see Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone. After three failed attempts due to full sessions, I fall in love with this saga that will follow me throughout my childhood and adolescence “, recalls Marion, 26 years old, who identified with the boarders of Hogwarts:” We had almost the same age as the characters. We evolved at the same time as the characters and that’s what was most striking. Feeling like they could be our friends. “

Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) were in their teens when they started filming the saga, in their twenties when the franchise ended in 2011.

“I saw the first steal at school when he left,” recalls Sabrina, 31. Many people have discovered the saga through school. “It all started in the cinema for the English course. I didn’t understand English so I read the subtitles and I liked it, ”says Christel, 33 years old. “I was in second when the first Harry Potter was released in theaters. With my girlfriends, we were interns in high school and we loved going to the movies on Wednesday afternoons and of course we absolutely wanted to go see Harry Potter! Unfortunately, the only movie theater in town was full. Comrades from the boarding school begged the supervisors so that we could go to the evening session and, to our delight, a supervisor volunteered to accompany us, ”recalls Mathilde, 35 years old.

“An escape from my painful school life”

Harry Potter made it possible for some to endure a very difficult school life. “I was a victim of bullying at school for ten years,” says Wilfrid, 31. Bullying is a strong theme in JK Rowling’s work: the puny Harry is famous despite himself, Hermione, born of two Muggle parents, is the target of mockery because of his human origins, Ron comes from a poor family , Neville is regularly humiliated, Mimi Geignarde hides in the toilets after receiving teasing on her glasses …

For Wilfrid, who defines himself as a “fan of Luna Lovegood”, this student of Ravenclaw, dreamy, easily distracted, who lives in his own universe and badly nicknamed “Loufoca” by some, the magic of the saga “has always been a escape from my painful school life ”.

“The very first volume on the occasion of the little mouse” “

The egg or the chicken? Books or movies? Everything depends ! Cyndel, 19, was 9 when the last installment of the saga came out: “It was really when I saw the last that I started reading books. Now I have read them in three languages. “” My mother gave me the very first volume for the Little Mouse. I immediately hooked! As I finished a book, we got together as a family to watch the film! », Says Ornella, 20 years old, who plunges regularly into« the universe of Harry Potter book version, by reading the saga in several languages ​​».

Quite the opposite for Prune, 35 years old: “I decided to see all the films before reading the books so as not to be disappointed, I don’t regret, I was able to rediscover everything under a new eye and go back to more fan. “I have always preferred books to films even if I readily admit that for nothing in the world I would not have missed the cinema release of the new Harry Potter”, says for his part, Roland, 64, who is keen to say “Thanks to Rowling for allowing us to enter her wizarding world.”

“This saga is timeless”

Once a fan, always a fan, this seems to be the credo of fans of the Harry Potter franchise. “This fiction accompanied me throughout my childhood and still accompanies me today,” says Ornella, 20 years old. “This saga is timeless,” said Sabrina, 31 years old. “It’s a generational saga and it will follow us for life,” confirms Marion, 26 years old.

“After all these years, the Harry Potter magic still operates on me and will continue to operate …” proclaims Mathilde, 35 years old. “Ten years after the end of the saga, I can’t get enough of watching the films each time I broadcast on television, I still have as many emotions on the credits of the film with the Warner Bros logo”, abounds Baptiste, 28 years old.

A love for the cinematographic saga that some wish to convey. “I have created a Harry Potter museum since the release of this saga. I am one of the biggest fans of France, even of the world ”, writes Tristan, 28 years oldS. For Cyndel, 19 years old “These films will remain really a part of my childhood and I hope that I could pass that on to my children”. The saga continues

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