After agitated debates in the Assembly, the bill on the vaccine pass arrives in the Senate …

7.20 am: The school health protocol relaxed

Jean Castex, announced on Monday evening a relaxation of the health protocol in the face of the Covid epidemic in schools and the risk of mayhem. From now on, three simple self-tests will suffice for contact cases at school, without obligation of antigen test or PCR. From this Tuesday, parents will no longer have to pick up their child immediately after they have been in contact, but at the end of the course.

Previously, each student identified as a contact case had to immediately undergo a PCR or antigen test, now a simple self-test, which will have to be repeated on D + 2 and D + 4, will have to be performed. A single sworn statement certifying that the first self-test is negative will suffice for a return in progress. The three self-tests will be free, thanks to a certificate issued by the school. But they will continue to be distributed only in pharmacies.

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