After a column deemed sexist in “Daily”, the influencer Polska responds

“Forms against reform. What could have remained a slogan among many others against pension reform, limited to the audience of influencers Polska and Tootatis, has taken a completely different turn since Friday. In the show Daily, the columnist Nicolas Fresco launched his column that evening with a video shot by Polska, in which she announced that she and her friend were going to demonstrate, specifying that they were “for France and against the reform”. The two women are “famous for having been rejected because of their neckline deeper than the hole of the Sécu”, specified Nicolas Fresco, before scratching their slogan “forms against reform” and their attitude during the demonstration.

The sequence, posted by Daily on Twitter, ignites from the social network. “Full misogyny as usual”, denounces YouTuber and journalist Marine Périn. “At 19 and 22, Polska and Tootatis are publicly committed against pension reform. To talk about it, @Qofficiel chooses the misogynistic and classist sneer, ”launches Rokhaya Diallo. Many Internet users have also denounced a sequence “worthy of TPMP”.

“You stopped at false nails and a cleavage”

Part of the political class seized on the subject, among them the deputy LFI Nadège Abomangoli, denouncing an “unbearable bourgeoisie of TV set with their usual sexist and classist arrogance”. Reactions welcomed by Polska, who reacted to the sequence this Saturday. “You, Yann Barthès, at 48, do you still find it normal that in 2023, we can still do chronicles, in front of hundreds of thousands of people, hyper sexists and hyper misogynists? “, she says. “Instead of talking about the act itself, you stopped at false nails and a neckline”, regrets the influencer in a tweet.

“Everyone demonstrates as they want,” she says again about the choice of her slogan, perfectly aware of her role as an influencer to call on young people to motivate. At the end of the video, Polska also announces returning to the demonstration, but this time “in a turtleneck” since “we cannot demonstrate in the outfit we want without taking misogynistic remarks”.

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