Afghanistan: Taliban ban university education for women

Taliban ban university education for women

Street scene in Kabul: an armed Taliban fighter stands next to fully veiled women. The Islamists have massively restricted women’s rights. photo

© Ebrahim Noroozi/AP/dpa

Since taking power 16 months ago, the Taliban have massively restricted women’s rights in Afghanistan. Now comes the next drastic step.

The Islamist Taliban have banned women from university education in Afghanistan. In a government statement, all private and public universities were instructed to enforce the ban on education for women until further notice. The announcement was shared by the Ministry of Higher Education on Tuesday and was available to the German Press Agency. The declaration was signed by the acting minister, Sheikh Neda Mohammed Nadim. There was no justification.

Since taking power in August 2021, the Islamists have massively restricted women’s rights. Girls and women are largely excluded from public life. Secondary schools from the seventh grade upwards have also been closed to girls since the change of government. In Kabul, women have even been banned from visiting public parks and gyms for several months. Despite international criticism, the Taliban are sticking to their course.


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