AfD state party conference: Police: 53 officers injured in riots in Offenburg

AfD state party conference
Police: 53 officers injured in riots in Offenburg

Riots broke out in Baden-Württemberg during a protest against the state party conference of the AfD. Five people were injured – three officers and two participants. photo

© Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa

As part of an AfD party conference in Offenburg, there were peaceful protests against the event as well as riots. The police use batons. There are injuries on both sides.

According to new police reports, 53 officers in Offenburg were injured during a demonstration against the AfD state party conference in Baden-Württemberg on Saturday. Some suffered bruises and abrasions from being punched and kicked. Other police officers suffered respiratory irritation because they were sprayed with a fire extinguisher and because masking material, clothing and pyrotechnics burned, as the police in Offenburg announced on Sunday.

17 officers were off duty after the operation, the police reported, updating their information from Saturday. Two demonstrators were also injured. “So far, 20 investigations have been initiated against several participants in the demonstration,” it said in a statement. There is an investigative team that identifies possible criminals and processes the procedures.

The AfD Baden-Württemberg met on Saturday for their state party conference in the Baden town in the Ortenau district. The meeting should end on Sunday.


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