AfD in Bavaria – then stop vaccinating – Bavaria


Johann Osel, Deggendorf / Munich

Corona vaccinations for adolescents? “Schools are places to learn, not government-ordered fix rooms”, calls Katrin Ebner-Steiner, “hands off our children!” The AfD parliamentary group leader stands on the upper town square in Deggendorf, she wears neither a dirndl nor a burqa. With the traditional costume, she made it to some prominence in the federal election campaign four years ago, the “populist in a dirndl” lured reporters from near and far to Lower Bavaria. In the burqa, she hopped around in a row at a performance by Angela Merkel in Eastern Bavaria in 2017. Today Ebner-Steiner wears trousers and quilted vest, pragmatic mom outfit, so to speak – perhaps due to the autumn wind or to support her theses: As a mother, she is worried “that more children will die from vaccination or get sick than from the virus itself”.

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