AfD Bavaria: First speech by Deputy Oskar Atzinger – Bavaria

The non-attached MP Oskar Atzinger, who is a successor on the AfD list, gives a strange first speech in the state parliament. His statements about the Ukraine war lead to an intervention. His biggest concern: He is no longer allowed to go swimming.

During the first speech by a Member of Parliament, nervousness or a small lapse will certainly be forgiven by the state parliament. “I can call non-attached colleague Oskar Atzinger to his maiden speech. There you go,” Vice President Karl Freller (CSU) invited the current newcomer on Tuesday. Atzinger is a successor on the AfD list, but initially without a faction until certain statutory hurdles have been clarified, as it was last said.

In any case, friendly or at least neutral facial features can be seen in Atzinger’s walk to the lectern. That changes very quickly when the dentist from Lower Bavaria announces: “In my opinion, the military conflict in Ukraine is the result of an expansive NATO policy that ignores Russia’s justified security interests.” shouts, bewilderment. Atzinger’s greater concern, however, is that he has not been vaccinated, is no longer allowed to swim, and “now has varicose veins”.

One intervention comes from Gabi Schmidt (Free Voters), who is known in the state parliament as a spearhead when it comes to the dispute with the AfD. A Franconian rant even turned into a small network hit. Schmidt denies Atzinger’s democratic attitude and makes it clear that nobody here is interested in his varicose veins.

Interesting: When Atzinger left, the applause from the AfD was not exactly frenetic. Friends of Russia are cavorting in the party nationwide, a rift is opening up, and there is a lot of discussion internally. Officially for the faction, Gerd Mannes had previously spoken of a “senseless war” started by Putin. Some in the state parliament are already scoffing: Congratulations to the AfD on this brilliant future newcomer Oskar Atzinger!

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