advice on how to adopt it piece by piece

© La Redoute Interieurs © Leroy Merlin

What is Feng-Shui?

Feng Shui literally means “wind and water”. Coming from Asia, he aims to develop space in order to circulate Chi (pronounced “Qi”): the vital force. Following the Feng Shui philosophy, an environment in which Chi circulates well promotes good mental balance, good health, as well as the development of personal and professional life.

Although there are different schools, the art of Feng Shui is mainly based on the balance between the five elements:

  • drink ;
  • fire ;
  • metal ;
  • water ;
  • Earth.

To furnish the house, special attention is paid in colors and materials.

The entrance

Traditionally, it is considered that the entrance is an important point through which Chi enters the house. This sometimes neglected space in our interiors is therefore the subject of special care in Asia.

An entrance in the colors of fire
© Ikea

The most suitable colors vary depending on the orientation of the entrance:

To boost the brightness, you can use a mirror, provided that it is not placed facing the door. Also plan a suitable light – wall lamp, pendant lights or ceiling light.

In order to benefit from purer Chi, the entrance must be clean and tidy. We thus favor a functional entryway furniture, by limiting the superfluous elements of decoration likely to act as “dust nests”.

The stay

The stay is dedicated to relaxation. To develop it according to the precepts of Feng-Shui, we focus above all on softness and friendliness.

The most important elements of the room are the armchairs and the sofa. You have to choose them well, but also orient them well.

Plants To Protect Your Back
© Leroy Merlin

Ideally, when you are seated, your back should be protected. This does not necessarily mean that you have to lean the seats against the wall: you can use a screen or plants!

Soft Materials And Organic Design
© La Redoute Interieurs

Armchairs and sofa are preferably oriented towards the center of the room, for a more friendly atmosphere. Round shapes and soft materials are sure values ​​for a Feng Shui salon!

A Carpet In The Living Room
© Leroy Merlin

In the living room, a cocooning touch is essential: the carpet is therefore absolutely essential, even if you have opted for carpet!

The kitchen

In Feng Shui, the kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the house. It is the place where you store and prepare food, one of the foundations of good health. The space should be healthy, and easy to clean.

A Vegetal Atmosphere In The Kitchen
© Mobalpa

In this piece of water, it is recommended to balance the atmosphere by using wood – for a soft atmosphere – or stone – for a more energizing atmosphere. Some plants are also welcome to absorb moisture.

A bright kitchen
© So Cooc

According to the principles of Feng Shui, the kitchen must be an open and bright space, in which Chi circulates abundantly and fluidly. If the room does not benefit from a great luminosity, we do not hesitate to fall the walls, by opting for the glass roof or the claustra.

A Cooking Flame Piano
© Goal

In terms of equipment, Feng Shui recommends cooking over a flame: a good reason to fall for the traditional cooking piano, which brings a real touch of charm to the decor!

The bathroom

According to Feng Shui tradition, the bathroom is the space where we get rid of negative Chi – in other words, stress and tension – accumulated during the day.

A plant decoration in the bathroom
© istock

In this body of water, it is recommended to balance the atmosphere in order to evacuate a maximum of humidity. We therefore choose, for tiling or parquet on the floor, and we do not hesitate to green the room.

Bamboo Blind
© Domondo

While it is important to let the light circulate in the bathroom, it is just as essential to enjoy perfect privacy. According to the precepts of Feng Shui, we avoid fabric curtains, likely to retain moisture: we prefer wooden blinds or a bamboo blind, for example.


A place dedicated to recovery, the bedroom is one of the rooms that requires the most attention. We focus on the choice of materials above all, favoring soft wood and soft materials.

Linen In The Bedroom
© Zara Home

The bed is of course the central room. We prefer a wooden frame, and bed linen made from materials that are as natural as possible: organic cotton or linen, for example.

Futon bed
© Concept Usine

It is recommended to opt for a bed whose proportions are adapted to the dimensions of the room. Thus, in a loft-type interior, we will opt for a four-poster bed. The futon type bed is more suitable in a room with a low ceiling.

A padded headboard
© Farrow & Ball

In Feng Shui, angles are prohibited in the bedroom. We therefore favor a headboard with soft lines – possibly padded.

Curtains In The Bedroom
© Ikea

In the bedroom, it is especially important to take into account the windows and the door when positioning the bed. Feng Shui indeed considers them as entry points for Chi – and this energizing energy hardly lends itself to rest! Ideally, the bed should not be placed directly facing an opening. If this is the case, it is recommended to use a curtain or a screen to slow down the Chi.

A Feng Shui Student Room
© Ikea

In terms of color, the preferred choice depends on the occupants of the room. Red and pink – associated with passion, or yellow and ocher, symbolizing lasting love, are recommended for couples. For children and adolescents, we prefer blue or green, attached to growth.

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